Michigan Renewable Energy Programs and Incentives

Michigan is a growing market when it comes to renewable energy generation. As of Q4 2024, there are limited incentives and programs, although there are many special interest groups pressuring State Legislation to adopt similar programs across the country.

The Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) has funding available to support energy related projects at the commercial scale. There are not beneficial programs at the commercial size that are not managed by a utility provider.

The State of Michigan’s “Solar For All” program is focused toward subsidizing the cost of panels for LMI homeowners to install on their homes.

Rundown of Michigan Programs

  • This award is a $30,000,000 program designed to reward municipal renewable energy adopters in Michigan. This program provides up to $5,000 per eligible megawatt to municipalities for eligible projects that will be physically hosted and/or permitted within the municipalities’ jurisdiction.

  • As with most states, Illinois provides a net-metering solution. This is a remote option allowing residential and commercial customers generating electricity from solar power to sell excess electricity to the grid at an agreed rate. This grid contribution ‘nets’ out to offset energy billed from the grid (when solar panels are underperforming) and reducing utility bills in real-time.

    REA focuses on commercial development and may not be aware of all residentially available incentives.

  • This program offers financial incentives directly to communities that are improving energy management and are accelerating the transition to energy efficiency renewable sources.

  • This program offers financial incentives to nonprofit organizations (Tribes, municipalities, non-profits) to support low-income and disadvantages communities by supporting costs of solar energy giving grants to subsidize the cost of solar panels.

    This is strictly a residential, non-commercial program.

  • This is a grant offered to small manufacturers within Michigan to support retooling activities that will support energy efficiency.